Wednesday, September 24, 2008

It's almost Halloween, so I figured I'd scare you.

Remember - moderation is the key.

Most U. S. beef cattle are implanted with synthetic hormones in feedlots prior to slaughter. On January 1, 1989 the European Economic Community (EEC) placed a ban on hormone-treated U. S. meat, preventing U. S. meat products from being sold in any European nations. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has challenged the ban and accused the EEC of unfair trade practices, but the action of European governments raises some important questions about American meat.

Q. Why did the Europeans (EEC) place a ban on hormone-raised meat?

A. The European Economic Community banned hormone-raised meat because of questions on the dangers of meat that has been treated with synthetic sex hormones. European consumers pressured the EEC to take this action to protect their health.

More than a decade ago, Roy Hertz, then director of endocrinology at the National Cancer Institute and a leading authority on hormonal cancers, warned of the carcinogenic risks of estrogenic additives which can cause imbalances and increases in natural hormone levels. Hertz warned against the uncontrolled use of these potent carcinogens. No dietary levels of hormones are safe and a dime-sized piece of meat contains-billions of millions of molecules.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"Worst combo meal" according to

McDonald’s Deluxe Breakfast
1,360 calories
64 g fat (22 g saturated)
2,325 mg sodium
160 g carbs
49 g sugars

Saturated fat equivalent: 22 strips of bacon

With four vehicles for refined carbohydrates (biscuit, hash browns, hotcakes, syrup), this “deluxe” disaster will send your blood sugar soaring.

When I was downstate this summer I saw a mom get one of these meals for each of her four kids who were like 10 years old and under. Nasty!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Blog #4 - due by MIDNIGHT 9/29/08!

BLOG #4 – due by midnight 9/29/08

Ø What is your plan to get involved on campus? What are your interests? Will you or have you joined any student organizations? Which two events besides UNITED & Career Major Fair do you plan on attending?

Ø Fast Food Nation - Chapter 6:

Ø What are some of the problems facing cattle ranchers?

Ø What are “captive supplies” of cattle? (“The four major meatpacking companies now control about 20 percent of the live cattle in the U.S. through ‘captive supplies’” (138). (See also p. 142).

Ø What was the impact of the Chicken McNugget on the poultry industry?

Ø How does the nutritional value of a McNugget compare to a hamburger?

Ø How does the suicide rate for ranchers and farmers compare with the rate for U.S. citizens in general? Why?

Ø Do you feel as if there is any healthy fast food available to consumers? If so, where and why? Give specific examples of products.. Please be honest and support your opinions. For example, I feel that Subway's Veggie Sub is extremely healthy due to its freshly-cut produce, cheese, and fresh-baked breads. I actually talked to a friend who works at Subway and he said in MQT, they slice their own produce. (My fear was that it arrived pre-sliced and filled with preservatives). It's not organic, but it's a start.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

BLOG #3 - due by MIDNIGHT 9/22/08!

“Only the educated are free.” –Epictetus

As always, please cut and paste this into your own Blog (#3):

Ø Describe your ideal Instructor/Professor.

Ø “I knew it when I studied it, but I forgot it on the test.” How can students study differently to prevent this from happening?

Ø How do you study for quizzes/tests?

Ø What do you have trouble with on quizzes/tests?

*Please go to the website listed below, which is a "Letter to McDonald's" from a former employee. Read it and write at least a paragraph reaction on your Blog site.

Also, read this short excerpt-- I was shocked:

For coffee drinkers, it would seem fairly safe to just grab a quick cup of coffee at McDonalds on the way to work. But many health conscious people would object to it also including this list of ingredients: sodium phosphate, sodium polyphosphate, Di-Acetyl Tartrate Ester of Monoglyceride, sodium stearoyl lactylate, tetra sodium pyrophosphate, sodium hexametaphosphate, sodium citrate, and carrageenan.

(This website is used only for citation purposes - you don't have to go there, unless you want to. Caution: It's scary!)

Thanks Natasha!! Paris hamburger excerpt..interesting!

On the other hand, in Paris, hamburgers are now the "in thing." Chef after chef commented on how the taste is forbidden and subversive — so everyone wants it. Chefs are busy analyzing the gastronomic characteristics of the American burger — including soft sesame buns, pickles, onions, tomatoes and cheese. It appears that some chefs have even come to the United States to experience the "burger culture." The French are having it "their way" though:

-with pickles, fleur de sel (sea salt) and fresh thyme

-wagyu (Kobe) beef with black ketchup (made with blackberries and black currants)
topped with foie gras

-with a sesame bun, toasted on the sesame side, brushed with butter on the soft side

-with smoked bacon, lettuce, pickles, mustard, mayonnaise and a side of fries (for $56 US)

In 2002, the United Nations' World Health and Food and Agriculture Organizations met jointly to address the global obesity epidemic (now termed "globesity"). Worldwide there are more than 1 billion overweight adults, with at least 300 million deemed obese. It is thought that the obesity epidemic is driven by societal changes and behavioral patterns of communities — along with worldwide nutrition transitions, globalization of the food market, and reduced physical activity. Some scientists predict globesity will outstrip infectious disease deaths by the end of the decade.

Note: Both times I was in France I was homesick so I went to McDonald's. They really are different though because they have mostly salads, the burgers were tiny and tasted extremely salty and gross, and they also sell beer & wine. There was no super-sizing (back when it still existed here) and the only size of fries available was "Small." What does this say about America?

If you've seen Reservoir Dogs, they really do have the "royale w/cheese" :)

The 11:05 enigma..

Can someone please enlighten me as to why each week at around 11:05am, a different dufus walks into our classroom, wanders around, and then just sits there and doesn't notice that a) there is a full classroom and b) that we're in the middle of a class!? Are people really that oblivious? ;)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

BLOG #2 - due by midnight 9/15/08

“Go as far as the eye can see, and when you get there, look farther.”

**Don’t forget to leave me 1 comment on here (click on “comment” below next to “posted by mmesimon”)

**Don’t forget to scan a random classmate’s Blog and leave a comment.

Ø Reiterate a term or concept you learned in Anatomy this week.

Ø List a few pleasant events that happened during your first weeks at NMU.

Ø Where do you want to be (academically) in six months?

Ø List habits you already possess that make you successful in college.

Ø List habits (timewasters?) you can change or modify, or need to lose.

Ø Explain how you approach studying your a) textbook and b) notes.

Ø Explain how you determine what to write down in notes during lectures.

Ø Watch this short 1980’s McDonald’s commercial. McD’s reps have actually claimed they do not target children in their ads.. Pay attention to the tagline: “The Hamburglar is very clever and very sneaky!” Why is this ironic?

Ø Over the last several decades, fast food companies have aggressively targeted children in their marketing efforts. Should advertisers be permitted to target children who lack the sophistication to make informed decisions and are essentially being lured into eating high fat, high calorie food through toys and cute corporate mascots?